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Progression Of Foot Problems As We Age

As we age, our bodies experience many changes, including weight gain or loss, growing taller, shrinking, and developing health problems. This is true for our feet too. They have been with us since childhood and have seen a lot. Foot problems and pain can result from all that wear. These foot problems often fall under five categories.

Nail Changes

As we age, our nails become more fragile and thicker. It could be because they grow slower due to changes in hormones, poor circulation, or fungal infections. Altering conditions can also affect nails’ growth and health.

To prevent your toenails from becoming unmanageable, it is important to cut them properly. You should also ensure that they are straight across. Nails with rounded edges are more prone to becoming ingrown.

Fluctuating Size, Circulation Problems, And Swelling

Many times, the cause of foot swelling and poor circulation can be caused by medications, hormones, heart problems, or problems with the veins. These are the most common problems with feet as we age.

Sometimes, your foot’s size and shape may change. The body’s tendons and ligaments can change, causing this to happen. Tendons lose some water, which causes them to become stiffer and pull on your foot. However, ligaments tend to loosen and stretch with time. This can lead to your arch falling, causing your foot to flatten and increase in size. Your foot can be more susceptible to strains and sprains due to loose ligaments.

A good pair of running shoes will support your arch. If you are aware that your feet may swell, ensure you have plenty of room in your shoes.

Fat Pads Disappear

Our feet are cushioned with fatty tissue, collagen, and elastin-rich pads. The padding protects the bones of the feet from the impacts of walking. As we age, our bodies start to reduce collagen production, which causes the feet’s pads to become less flexible. Because there is less cushioning between your feet and the ground, this makes walking more painful.

You can relieve some of the discomfort caused by the reduced padding by wearing supportive shoes. Insoles and padding are also recommended to make your feet more comfortable.

Dry And Fragile Skin

Collagen is an important part of the cushioning on our feet. It also helps keep our skin hydrated and healthy. Our skin is more susceptible to cracking as the collagen levels decrease in our bodies.

It is recommended that you apply a moisturizing cream or lotion frequently to bring back moisture to your skin. You can start with one application per day and increase to two if you aren’t seeing improvement.


The feet can get arthritis just like any other joint. There are more than 30 joints in the foot, but the most common is the big toe and ankle joints, as well as the subtalar (between your ankle and heel). Your foot can also be affected by arthritis in your knee or hip joints. This could affect your ability to stand and walk properly.

The best ways to alleviate arthritis pain are to exercise, reduce pressure on your feet and use appropriate shoe inserts.

You may be experiencing any of the following signs of aging on your feet. If you are a new patient and looking for a podiatrist in Scarborough, On, or have other foot concerns, contact our foot clinic today!

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