Most people can trace their arch by running a finger along their bottom. Flat feet, however, are unable to do this due to their fallen arches or lack of arch. This can cause foot pain, as well as pain in the hips or knees.
The flatness in feet can develop in many ways, just like any other foot or ankle condition they can develop early in life, while others may occur later. This can cause problems with alignment when someone is walking, standing, or running. Having feet that are flat can also lead to pain in the hips, knees, ankles, and back.
Causes of Flat Feet
This condition can be due to genetic factors or simply as a result of aging. Flat feet can be caused by injuries, diseases, and other health issues. It is common in those with arthritis or who have had a foot or ankle injury. The flatness can also be caused by diseases like cerebral palsy and diabetes.
Flat shoes are another common reason for fallen arches and flat feet. Flat shoes have no sport-like arches.
Some people with flat feet and low arches don’t feel any pain or discomfort. They can continue to live their normal lives. For others, however, it can cause major problems, including hammertoe, plantar fasciitis, and bunions.

Orthotics can help
Having feet that are flat can cause alignment problems in your body when running and walking. Orthotic insoles cannot fix the flatness in feet but they can realign your body and alleviate the discomfort and pain you are feeling.
It can also be treated with orthotics or custom-fitted orthotics. Orthotics offer support and cushioning at the arch, heel, and ball of the foot. These can provide stability, comfort, motion control, and motion control.
Compression Socks
Compression socks do exactly what they sound like. They provide graduated compression across your foot and extra support where you need it. They can increase blood flow and improve circulation.
If the feet roll inwardly, custom-designed arch supports, orthotics or insoles can be fitted.